Sending eSign Contracts

Make sending and signing contracts easier and quicker for you and your growers. Take advantage of the eSign feature of the Bushel Mobile app!


Steps to Sending an eSign Contract

  1. Create and download the contract as a PDF.
  2. Access eSign in the Bushel Admin Tool.
  3. Click "eSign" (under APP MGMT) on the left side of the screen.
  4. Click "+ New Document."
  5. Select the account in the "Grower" dropdown field.
    1. Note: The grower must be logged into the app.
  6. Upload the PDF contract.
  7. Enter the Contract ID.
  8. Identify if the contract has been signed by you or your team.
  9. Click "Generate Signature."
  10. Follow the steps below to create the signature fields.


Create Signature Fields

  1. Click ‘Signature’ on the left-hand side.
  2. Click on the contract document to create a signature field for the seller.
    1. Note: Ensure that the ‘Assigned to’ drop-down on the right side of the screen contains the seller’s name.
  3. Click on the document to create the signature field for the Buyer (if you / your team hasn’t already signed the contract).
    1. Ensure that the ‘Assigned to’ drop-down on the right side of the screen contains the buyer’s name.
  4. Follow the steps below to create an optional date field.

Create Date Field (Optional)

  1. Click "Date Signed" on the left-hand side.
  2. Click on the document to create the date signed field for the Seller.
    1. Note: Ensure that the ‘Assigned to’ drop-down on the right is the seller.
  3. Click on the document to create the date signed field for the Buyer (if needed).
    1. Note: Ensure that the ‘Assigned to’ drop-down on the right is the buyer.
  4. Click "Send."

When you click send, the contract will be sent to the eSign section of the grower’s mobile app (and the web app, if you have one).  If the grower has notifications enabled, they will receive a notification that they have a contract to be signed.  After three days have gone by and they haven’t signed and submitted the contract, when they open the app, they will see an in-app pop-up message that they have a contract to sign. This reminder pop-up window will appear two more times when they open the app with each reminder occurring three days after the previous reminder.


Monitor eSign in the Bushel Admin Tool

Out for Signature:

  • The contract is in the customer’s app for signature.
  • If sent in error, you can withdraw it if desired by clicking ‘withdraw’. 


  • The grower has signed and submitted the contract. You can archive it to the Archive in the Bushel Admin Tool by clicking "Archive" or download it by clicking "PDF".
  • Click "View Archive" to see all archived contracts.