How to initiate the process for automated e-Sign with AgTrax

AgTrax users can use the following steps to initiate the process for automated e-Sign within a Bushel Powered app.

If you're interested in automated e-Sign with AgTrax, please work with your Customer Success Manager to get it enabled.

Steps to initiate the process for automated e-Sign:

  • Open the contract you would like to send in AgTrax
  • Select “G” after choosing the "Maintain Again?" setting

  • This will open a new C/A e-Sign window on the screen. Select "Yes"

  • This will send the contract to Bushel

  • AgTrax will automatically include the correct signature boxes/fields when they push the contract to Bushel, saving time on manual entry.


  • You will be able to see in the contract when it is signed. It will move from the status "Signed?.... No" to the status "Signed?.... Yes" automatically within AgTrax.

  • Signed contracts will show a signed status as demonstrated in green, below. 

    Image 5 update-png