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What is the Analytics page and how can I use it?

The Analytics page shows you exactly how your customers are using the Bushel platform

  1. Log into the Web Portal with the same Bushel login credentials that you use for the Admin Tool
  2. On the 'Analytics' page, you will find the following reports:
    1. Logged-in Users: identify who is using your app and reach out to farmers who are not active; convert non-users through marketing campaigns and engage them in conversations about how you can help their farm.
    2. Unique Visitors in the last 6 months: identify users who are new or might have used the app, but no longer do; leverage this report to increase engagement through continual relationship building with your customers. 
    3. Unique Pageviews: identify which pages are visited the most to gain an understanding of potential opportunities to connect and educate your farmers. 
    4. eSign Report: eSign eliminates the process of printing, reviewing, signing, stuffing, stamping, and mailing a paper contract. Wish all of your customers would use eSign?  Use this report to understand who is using it and who could use a nudge to get started!
  3. To download a copy of a report, click the blue download button and you're all set!