What to do during the Development stage

The Development stage is when Bushel’s Integrations team builds your company's branded app. They use your specific ERP and our Bushel platform to create just what your growers need.

Soon your growers will be able to access their contracts, cash bids, commodity balances, settlements, and more through the channel we create between your ERP (enterprise resource planning) and our platform. The Development stage is when we forge this data channel.

Development Stage For You

For your company, the Development stage means performing a ‘spring cleaning’ of your customer contact database. This is a step that will ensure smoother adoption of your app. By organizing your grower contact information, the process of getting your growers up and running on the app will go quicker for both sides and will kickstart a successful app launch.

What you need to actually do

During this stage, your efforts will be focused on Auditing your Customer Database and Recruiting Testers. Auditing your customer database refers to cleaning and organizing your customer contact information. It's important to locate growers who don’t have a cell phone associated with their name and/or those who have an outdated number and update their contact. Additionally, make sure that all phone numbers are formatted the same n order for the ERP and Bushel platforms to communicate the information seamlessly. Phone numbers can either be formatted as (701)123-4567 - XXXX or 7011234567. Uniform contact information will be necessary to connect growers to their app login capabilities via cell number.

Recruiting testers will consist of finding a small variety of folks to test your app for the specific functionality that your company needs from its app. This will prepare you for the Soft Launch stage. During Soft Launch, your first true grower logins will happen slowly, giving your team time to learn the ropes of helping growers take advantage of the new technology.

What we are doing?

While you’re doing that, the Bushel Integrations Engineers will focus on Developing your Bushel-powered App by passing on the information from your ERP to the Bushel platform and Testing for Quality Assurance by engaging our internal testers. 

This stage can take between one and four weeks, depending on the ERP your company uses. 

Below are some FAQ’s about grower numbers and how they function within the Bushel platform.

Grower Phone Numbers: Frequently Asked Questions 

What if a grower has their phone number attached to multiple accounts?

When the grower logs in using their cell phone number, all the accounts will display within the app. They will be able to filter tickets, contracts, and settlements per account.

What if there are multiple phone numbers attached to the same account?

All cell phone numbers tied to an account in the database can access that account simultaneously. This can be useful for family farms that have multiple people able to access the account.

Can someone (Bob) not associated with the account log into the account?

Yes, if given permission from the grower account holder (Terry). Bob will begin login using Terry’s phone number. Terry will receive a login code on his device, and then share that code with Bob to complete the log in. A common use case for this would be for a farmhand or if the grower would like to access their account on the iPad.

Note: There is an option within the app to ‘Reset All Devices’ that will log out all devices that are currently logged into that account.